Responsibility and sustainability are integral parts of the development of TCM Group. Responsibility towards the environment, responsibility towards the customers and responsibility towards our employees and other stakeholders.
Various certifications give evidence to our responsibility towards the environment. Sustainability is key in our production and the use of resources. Similarly, there is a very high degree of recycled materials in our cabinets and fronts.
To secure the best possible indoor climate at the home of our customers, a number of our products are labelled with the Danish Indoor Climate Labelling, ensuring that our products do not emit harmful chemical substances and fragrances to the air.
As the first Danish kitchen manufacturer, TCM Group has signed the ten principles in the UN’s Global Compact, supporting Human Rights, Labour, Environment, and Anti-Corruption.
Please find the lastest corporate social responsibility below.

The SBTi has approved TCM Group’s near-term science-based emissions reduction target.
Whistleblower system
In the whistleblower system, you can report serious matters such as, e.g., bribery, extortion, embezzlement, theft, accounting irregularities, etc.
Matters such as bullying, dissatisfaction with wages, violations of the alcohol policy, etc., we recommend being reported through normal channels.